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Events  ~ Current Classes, Groups & Workshops






Any of these topics, or your special request, may be arranged for your group

See Worksheet at bottom of page


NEW: At-a-glance topics and Worksheet at bottom of page to customize a topic just for your group




NUTRITION ESSENTIALS - The 'Best of' - the workshop of all workshops
A potpourri of timeless nutrition principles and time-tested guidelines for an age of health information overload. Join us as we pause and review the basics without ignoring current scientific research. This nutrition class of all nutrition classes is a fast-paced survey course designed to please even the most discerning and diverse Northwest palate.


We will examine the important role of digestive and liver health, hormone balance, bone health, and survey various approaches to detoxification. Explore the food-mood connection, blood-sugar balance (both diabetes and hypoglycemia), eating for energy and brain nutrients. Hear the latest research findings on protein, fats, fluids, fiber, and dieting. Learn to control cravings and facilitate junk food withdrawal, deepen your understanding of weight management via a professional critique and review of weight loss strategies.

Look at personalized nutrition assessment and testing for sensible supplementation and herbal alternatives to medication--all with a view to making better sense of the mass of information and developing your own personal nutrition plan that you can live with.




Minerals are the vital dust of life.  Without them, vitamins, enzymes, hormones, brain and immune system nutrients do not function properly.  Magnesium for example, is involved in 300 different enzyme systems; zinc more than 110.  Since minerals are the building blocks for enzymes, a digestive enzyme deficiency can actually be secondary to a mineral deficiency.  Correct the underlying mineral imbalance and avoid the need to supplement enzymes. 


This course covers everything mineral with emphasis on their practical value, and goes far beyond the popular face of calcium in the news.  Did you know that it takes 28 different nutrients to build a healthy bone?  More calcium will not accomplish this and can even backfire.  With the new recommendations for vitamins D & K and calcium, we will include a critical review of these conservative findings.


Survey the spectrum of mineral testing tools, from simple self quick-tests that provide instant feedback about your body tissue mineral level, to more comprehensive methods such as hair mineral analysis.  Hear of safe food sources for proper mineral nutrition and how supplements can actually upset mineral balance.  Because no one mineral ever functions alone, emphasis will be on achieving overall mineral balance.  Learn how you can perform your own personal mineral balancing act.




High-Protein, Vegetarian, Keto, Low-Fat, Candida,  Detox, Weight Loss, Allergy/Gluten-Free, DASH, FODMAP, SCD, ETC., ETC…

Are you getting enough, or too much, “complete” protein?  What about reliable sources of vitamins such as B-12, folic acid and trace minerals?  Is your high-protein diet actually depleting your calcium stores, causing unseen liver and kidney damage, or even contributing to arthritis and gout?  No matter what apparent benefits you may be getting from your special diet in terms of weight loss, heart health, diabetes management, or any symptom improvement, you need to be alert to the unseen impact, and overall body chemistry impact.


While focusing on the health goal of your special diet, don’t lose sight of your overall nutritional balance. Insuring nutritional adequacy on a special diet is simplified when individual nutritional needs are considered. We’ll discuss these and other personal concerns to ease worried minds, and to shed a brighter light on the generic advice in popular diet books and blogs. Includes tips for modifying and customizing any diet program to better suit your needs.  Improve not only the results you get but your total health while achieving sustainable success



The Gut-Mood/Brain WholeBody Connection

Gut Health for Super Immunity, Mood & Brain Health –with a Touch of Heart & Detox


Much of our health, and disease, relates to the digestive system.  From heartburn, bloating, constipation & diarrhea to irritable bowel, gluten intolerance and colon cancer, healthy gut ecology/our microbiome is key.  Understand both pro-biotics and pre-biotics, fiber, enzymes and more to tame your tummy and calm your colon.  Includes a common sense “continuum” approach to selecting the remedies best suited to your individual needs, as well as a fascinating tour – from one end to other  -- of the entire GI tract.  Also, alternatives to acid blockers (PPIs).

If the gut is the second brain, then the liver is the third.  Learn about several levels of whole body detox and liver support protocols, including intermittent fasting.  Understand and tie together the interconnectedness of the gut, brain, heart, liver and immunity. 



When was the last time you felt that you had more energy than you knew what to do with? This class will help you to understand the relationship between your eating pattern and your daily energy pattern. Are you tired or toxic? How much does digestion drain your energy? What about hidden allergies?  Blood sugar balance?  Not only will you identify energy drainers, but learn which super foods to include for sustainable energy enhancement: B is for BOOST!, herbal energy, adrenal support, nutrient fine-tuning and more. Specific food and nutrition tips, lifestyle factors and self-test questionnaires included.


NUTRITION TESTING CLINIC -  The Hands On Nutrition Detective


From simple at-home self test monitoring and nutrient specific quick tests, to state-of-the-art laboratory testing, learn how to more accurately evaluate your nutritional status and balance your body chemistry – blood vitamins, hair minerals, saliva hormones, stool digestive function and urinary anti-nutrients (toxins).  Learn what test method is best for which nutrients, as well as which ones are the most relevant for you personally. 

Establishing your nutrition baseline may be the most important step you take to improving your health.  If you wouldn’t add oil to your cars engine without checking the dipstick, don’t change your diet or take supplements without first knowing what you’re adding them to – your personal fingerprint baseline.

Review your so-called “normal” blood test results for nutritional indicators.  “Normal” doesn’t mean healthy.  Know what to look for in order to glean the nutritional meaning and significance of a routine blood chemistry.  Plus, go well beyond this to know what else should be tested – blood vitamins, hair minerals, saliva hormones, urinary anti-nutrients (toxins).

We will perform in class: nutrient specific quick tests that provide instant feedback about your nutritional status, a partial nutrition physical examination (the mouth, nails and skin are rich and accurate indicators) plus take home self test nutrition questionnaires. 


Design Your Personal Vitamin & Herb Profile

Are you concerned about how all your vitamins, herbs and medication interact with one another?  Do you wonder how best to determine your precise individual nutrient needs? Even a product that is “working” on one level, producing good results, may be causing unseen problems on another level



The healing properties of common foods have long been known.  Current science helps us to understand the particular constituents that comprise superfoods.  Come learn about phytonutrients and related compounds to not only promote better health but to prevent and naturally remedy every major disease. Let your food be your medicine.


Super Nutrition for Immunity, Cancer Prevention & Anti-Aging

Feed your immune system well. Complementary care for everything immune ~ from colds to cancer.  Learn which foods are pro-immunity and which are anti-immunity.  Plus, how the digestive tract comprises 70% of your immune system.  Includes natural flu prevention update. 
Flu shot or not?  Nutrition essentials for cancer prevention and complementary treatment.

How to match colorful food medicine to your specific individual health needs.  Slow your brain age while boosting fat metabolism and balancing hormones.  You can dodge dementia.  Bring home practical suggestions that can be put to use immediately to boost your nutritional defense against dis-ease and really live a more nourished life. 




Food + Food for Thought = Happy Tummy & Brain

Facilitated by Nutritionist Karl Mincin


Join us monthly for food, nutrition & natural health education, plus
a samplers buffet of vegetarian, gluten & allergy-free fare, sharing& support


Topics include the following and beyond…

Eating for Energy          Healthy Digestion – Beyond Gluten Free       Whole Body Detox
Nutritional Needs of Vegetarians      Allergies & Asthma  Immune Support
Fast Healthy Food               Nutritional Balance on Your Special Diet

Smooth Mood Food            Happy Hormones               Better Bones & Brain
Why Weight                        Controlling Cravings          Blood Sugar Balance
Mineral Balancing Acts – Beyond Calcium                    Heart Health
Nutritional Management of Pain & Inflammation


45. Includes bottomless soup, salad and GF bread
Series of 4 for $150. – That’s 4 state-of-the-art workshops + 4 full meal deals
Seating is limited.  Pre-registration required
call 360.336.2616




Coming Soon

Any of these topics, or your special request, may be arranged for your group

See Worksheet at bottom of page


Whole Body Detox & Targeted Liver Support

One size detox does not fit all.  Furthermore, all toxins are not created equal.  Learn how to target remedies and approaches to specific toxins.  Colon cleansing will accomplish some good, but combined with liver, kidney, lymph, blood, and whole-body tissue cleansing you will accomplish deeper detoxification and more targeted results.  We will compare and contrast the various approaches to, and products for, detoxification with a view to customizing your own program.  A framework of essential components is included.



By appointment: 15 minute individual consultation for a vitamin supplement review and medication interactions analysis and two nutrient quick tests that provide instant feedback about your nutritional status.

Ongoing ~ Use Contact page to request current schedule


What makes a “good” vitamin supplement? Is it the quality of ingredients or how well those ingredients match your actual body tissue levels of those nutrients.  Consider: would you add oil to your car – even the best high grade oil – without first checking the dipstick?  Why take supplements without first knowing your baseline level of those nutrients?


Learn self-testing and professional methods to generate a tailored and safe supplement schedule.  Includes effective herbal alternatives to common medications. Anyone can sell you vitamins, few can tell you specifically which nutrients best meet your individual need.  Establishing your personal nutrition baseline may be the single most important step you take to improve your health and fine tune your nutritional intake.




The time is right to win your personal food fight.  From sweet and fatty to salty and crunchy, we’ll consider specific food cravings and their nutritional, herbal and behavioral support measures.  Distinguish physical-nutrient hunger from psychological-emotion hunger and other addictions. You’ll bring home practical tips both for immediate relief
and sustainable success.




When was the last time you felt that you had more energy than you knew what to do with? This class will help you to understand the relationship between your eating pattern and your daily energy pattern. Are you tired or toxic? How much does digestion drain your energy? What about hidden allergies?  Blood sugar balance?  Not only will you identify energy drainers, but learn which super foods to include for sustainable energy enhancement: B is for BOOST!, herbal energy, adrenal support, nutrient fine-tuning and more. Specific food and nutrition tips, lifestyle factors and self-test questionnaires included.




Covers the basics and well beyond, including digestive support, anti-inflammatory diet and the latest research on nutritional support for such auto-immune conditions



including Support for Pain & Inflammation

Just as the hip bone is connected to the knee bone, no single nutrient ever works alone.  They weave a complex web of interactions.
Exactly how they do this can make the difference between mediocre health and vibrant well-being.  In 30 years of practice I’ve noticed this definite trend: those patients who receive both chiropractic care and nutritional therapy have the healthiest tissue mineral profiles and are the most active, energetic and overall well nourished.


Join Clinical Nutritionist Karl Mincin who will explain how to simplify and personalize your diet and establish your individual nutrition baseline.  This will not only get you more from your chiro care and healthy lifestyle but, may be the single most important step you take to improve your overall health, as well as address any specific health conditions.


DON'T WORRY, EAT HAPPY: The Brain-Food-Mood Connection

How does what you eat affect how you feel and function physically, mentally and emotionally? The first step to lift depression and calm your stressed nerves is by balancing your body and brain chemistry. Look in on the latest nutrition advances for improving a wide range of mental health concerns.



Effective nutritional approaches for successfully managing pain and inflammation. Reduce the use of pain medication (including opioids), and recover from injury, surgery, or trauma faster. We’ll cover dietary recommendations including tasty and medicinal healing foods, supplements, medicinal herbs and common kitchen spices; as well as the most potent and clinically proven specialty combination formulas for both acute and chronic pain conditions.  Finally safe, effective, and natural pain control is just around the classroom corner.



When it comes to proper nutrition and health balance, beauty can be skin deep.  The skin is an “indicator species,” the body’s last ditch channel of elimination for metabolic waste and toxins;  When the bowel, liver, kidneys, lymphatic and immune systems are sluggish or compromised, symptoms eventually will express themselves at the surface, the tip of the proverbial iceberg.  The “skin bone” is connected to the “liver bone.”


Learn to improve organ function as related to skin condition.  How are glandulars related to skin health?  Which foods and antioxidant phytonutrients are skin-specific?  What are the basic principles of skin nutrition and which four key nutrients are typically involved in most all skin conditions?  Beyond oral nutrition for better skin, learn about the topical use of nutraceuticals not only for skin health, but also as an effective nutrient delivery system for other body tissues.  Improve your health from the inside and a healthy outward glow will naturally follow.






Advance Registration Required  360.336.2616

If you can’t make the date, options include:
Handout materials are available by email

Private sessions by phone or video on these and other subjects.

Alternate dates and locations (please provide your phone and email to keep you posted)



Instructor Karl Mincin is a clinical nutritionist and natural health educator in practice for 30 years.  With a personalized approach he offers both preventive and therapeutic nutrition counseling, specializing in nutrition assessment testing, the process of determining individual nutrient needs and body chemistry balance. 

Link here for Karl's full bio & Speaker Profile




NUTRITION CLASSES, TALKS & TOPICS  ~  Regrouped                                

A combination of 2 or 3 topics may be combined or otherwise customized for you specific needs




The Nutrition Detective – Develop your inner food sleuth

Nutrition Testing 101

Establish Your Nutritional Baseline / Nutrition Assessment Testing Methods
Nutrition Testing Clinic – Hands on quick tests provide instant feedback of nutritional status

Mineral Balancing Acts – Way Beyond Calcium



Eating for Energy – Overcoming Stress & Exhaustion

Fast Healthy Food – Eating Well On A Time Budget



Controlling Cravings – Junk Food Withdrawal
Blood Sugar Balance – For Diabetes and Hypoglycemia
Weight Management Revisited – A Professional Critique for Weighing Your Weight Loss Options


Take Nutrition to Heart (Includes Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill)
Building Better Bones – Mineral Balancing Acts Beyond Calcium
Hormone Health – Balancing Acts from Menarche to Menopause

See also Blood Sugar (Dysglycemias), Digestion, Immune, Hormonal, Brain, Musculoskeletal, Energy (Adrenal), etc.


Smooth Mood Food – Balance Your Body Chemistry From Depression to Anxiety
Brain Nutrients – Keep Your Senses


Sensible Supplementation – Design Your Personal Vitamin Profile
All About Herbs – Nutritional, Medicinal & Culinary Uses (optional edible plant walk)


Strengthen Your Immune System – From Cold Comfort to Cancer Care
Nutrition Support for Cancer – Complementary Care
The Allergy Asthma Connection
Beyond Gluten Free


Whole Body Detox – Beyond Colon Cleansing

Be Kind to Your Amazing Liver                                                       
Tame Your Tummy – Digestive Health


Nutritional Needs of Vegetarians – What Every Vegetarian Needs To Know

Nutrition Support for Fertility
Nourishing Your Unborn – Nutrition Before, During and After Pregnancy
Sports Nutrition – Feeding the Active Lifestyle  (Also offered as a CEU credit course)
          See also Weight Mngt., etc…


The Nutritional Management of Pain & Inflammation – Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Injury Recovery
Nutrition for Body Work Professionals (CEU credit course; also open to public)

Nutrition Has Chiropractics Back -  How Nutrition Complements Your Chiropractic Care

NUTRITION ESSENTIALS – Fast moving survey of the Top Ten “Best of” the above topics
        (Also offered as an expanded CEU credit course for professionals)

Nutrition Essentials – Tailored (customized major amalgam – a survey/sampler course)

            Includes basic principles and recurring themes in nutrition

Food IS Medicine 
Nutrition Update 2018 – All About Antioxidants and Food Medicine (Topic changes annually)







Using the Worksheet below, along with your chosen combination of topics, please include a suggested title and description that best conveys what subject matter you would like to be presented for your particular group. This is just for draft purposes and with my input can later be polished and agreed upon.  NOTE:  Nutrition Essentials may include five (5) or more topics of interest.




Top 2 or 3 subjects of interest



Your custom topic title that best integrates the above subjects



Descriptive sub-title



Detailed description including specific points you’d like to be covered

The more you tell me, the better I can tailor my presentation to the audience



Copy and paste the above in the comments section of Contact page to submit to Karl







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